A doctor of functional medicine uses a healthcare model that focuses on individualized, patient-centered treatments to address the root causes of conditions rather than simply treat symptoms. At the NY Center for Integrative Health in Manhattan, we use a vast array of diagnostic tools, such as comprehensive blood work, DNA and microbiome analysis, and WAVi brain activity testing, to uncover underlying issues that impact your overall well-being.
Thanks to our advanced diagnostics, our team can diagnose or identify conditions that may not be discovered otherwise. Functional medicine techniques can treat or prevent many chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, anxiety and depression, autoimmune disease, chronic pain, or IBS and other digestive concerns. We can further help patients who struggle with weight loss find the best combination of diet, exercise, and supplements to safely reach a healthy weight and prevent future weight gain.
Our multi-faceted approach will help you address your health problems by finding your ideal diet, using IV therapies to deliver medications and nutrients to your bloodstream directly, or through acupuncture, hormone therapy, and herbal remedies. These treatments can improve your health, boost your energy, and help you feel better each day. Through our balanced, holistic treatment plans, many patients can improve or reverse conditions without pharmaceuticals. And this can help patients avoid physical dependency on medications and avoid unwanted side effects.
Countless new studies have strengthened our understanding of the link between your mental and physical health. Many physical conditions can impact your mental health, and depression and anxiety may disrupt your immune system or lead to chronic pain. We use research-backed strategies to improve your health and resolve chronic conditions with physical or mental impact. Even something that seems “normal”, such as stress, can have wide-reaching effects on your body and mind and thus must be considered in a comprehensive assessment and care plan.
Typically, medical doctors in the US focus on diagnosing ailments and follow a standardized protocol to address the issues without accounting for the individual differences between one patient and the next. They often used limited diagnostic blood analysis and diagnostic tools that can miss many underlying factors, and many patients may struggle with symptoms for years without a proper diagnosis. Some patients grow frustrated and learn to live with debilitating issues, assuming the problem is all in their heads.
Our team trusts each patient to recognize if something is wrong with them, and we will use all the diagnostic resources at our disposal to get a clear picture of your total health and form a plan to help you feel more like yourself. Don’t hesitate to find the treatment you need. Contact the NY Center for Integrative Health in Manhattan today at (917) 477-3538 and get the help you need to feel better.
Find out why people love our functional medicine clinic in New York, NY