Holistic. The treatment of the whole person, accounting for social and mental factors, instead of just the symptoms of illness. This is the basic definition of “holistic.” It gets to the heart of how each doctor who subscribes to the holistic approach practices medicine; however, it is only one facet of such care. It doesn’t tell the whole story.
At the New York Center for Integrative Health (NYCIH) in Manhattan, we view each patient, patient engagement, and patient relationship through three different lenses. These “lenses” help drive the development of highly personalized diagnostic plans and therapies. They can be looked upon as overlapping circles, with each influencing, or being influenced by, the other:
Biology – We refer to this factor as the “self.” Our bodies are one of a kind. Both genetics and the environment play into the self. By taking a holistic, 360-degree view of each patient’s health, function, and well-being, we can pinpoint exactly what your body needs and requires to support utmost health and vibrancy. In addition to our wide-ranging diagnostics, we have many “tools” or therapies to pull from to create a customized therapeutic program. These custom programs unlock your body’s innate ability to regenerate and heal itself. In doing so, our patients can improve the severity and frequency of an array of ailments and even resolve underlying conditions.
Biography – At NYCIH, we refer to this tenet of our holistic healing approach as the “story” behind each patient or patient relationship. And patients each bring with them a collection of different memories, biases, backgrounds, experiences, and other aspects of their histories that can either inhibit or enhance overall health, function, and quality of life. It is critical, no less from a mental and emotional health standpoint, to honor and address the past to move forward and improve.
Ecology – The concept of holistic health has also been defined as how the “whole person” interacts with the surrounding environment. So, “ecology” is just another way of referring to that environment. It is important to inventory the circumstances within which we live and those related factors that negatively affect how we feel and function. We account for the notion that one cannot heal or overcome sicknesses when doing the same things within the same confines and settings that promoted such illness in the first place. NYCIH is all about personal discoveries that lead to creating those environments and dynamics that promote real, sustained self-healing.
By its very nature, holistic care can mean so many different things – from the unique factors that contribute to one’s state of being to the traditions and therapies incorporated into your journey to better overall health. If you are interested in learning more about holistic care, request an appointment today! Call the NY Center for Integrative Health Manhattan office at (917) 477-3538
or request an appointment on this website.
New York Center for Integrative Health is a multi-disciplinary team of providers that work
collaboratively to assist you on your healthcare journey. Taking a truly holistic approach that
honors your unique needs, the team will work with you to get you sustainably well.
Dr. Robert Kachko, Founder and
Director of the NY Center for Integrative Health, is a pioneer in Naturopathic and Integrative
Medicine and has developed an extensive bio-psychosocial methodology for people living with chronic
diseases. As Immediate Past President of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Dr. Kachko advocates for
healthcare reform to allow everyone accesses to the kind of care our clinic provides.