Menstrual cycles. A monthly reminder of how cyclical life can be. In those who are menstruating, typically every 28-35 days, the uterus sheds its lining to indicate that new life had not been created that month. However, with the release of the old, the cycle is ready to begin again. Unfortunately for some, this transition from old to new can be quite difficult, as it may be accompanied with mood changes, irritability, and most uncomfortably, pain. Painful menstrual cramps of uterine origin, medically termed Dysmenorrhea, is the leading cause of gynecological disease in women of reproductive age, regardless of their age, nationality, or economic status1. Statistics have shown that 45-93% of those who are menstruating experience dysmenorrhea at some point in time. Of those with dysmenorrhea, 3-33% will experience pain so severe that it requires them to call off work or stay home from school, roughly 1-3 days of every month1. Nonetheless, regardless of how severe the pain may be, most women don’t express their concerns to their doctors until much later in their reproductive journey. But why is this the case? Most likely because menstrual periods being associated with painful cramps is a tale that’s as old as time. But just because something is “common” and is therefore deemed to be “the norm”, does not always mean that it is what’s best for optimal health and well being. Expressing your concerns with your doctor is imperative as it is the first step towards getting to the root issue of what may be causing your pain and discomfort. Always be sure to advocate for yourself, your pain is valid, and your voice should be heard.
If you are interested in more information about menstrual cycle health or other women’s hormonal challenges,, connect with our clinical team today! The NY Center for Integrative Health in Manhattan, NY and Stamford, CT can be reached at (917) 477-3538 and is conveniently located at 345 7th Avenue or 1200 High Ridge Road. Schedule an appointment today to discuss a sustainable treatment plan for you.
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