Sleeplessness is common; however, not all bouts of insomnia are the same. Patients from Port Chester and throughout greater Westchester County, New York, visit the New York Center for Integrative Health for help with problems falling asleep. Other patients turn to our naturopathic physician, Dr. Robert Kachko, because they can’t stay asleep. Still, others may find that truly restorative deep sleep eludes them. These individuals never reach that “delta” or “slow-wave” sleep stage. This third sleep stage is believed to contribute to insightful thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and memory.
The range of patients who seek out our holistic expertise may have sleep difficulties due to a stressful event or distressing circumstances. Such acute insomnia can affect all of us at some point. Intermittent insomnia may also occur periodically. It is largely defined as episodes of disordered sleep that persist for no more than one to two weeks each time. Shorter-term insomnia can become persistent and is known as chronic insomnia. This pattern of sleep challenges is generally characterized as difficulties falling and/or staying asleep for at least three nights each week and for at least three months.
Understanding you and the nature of your disturbed sleep is critical to pinpointing therapies that resolve symptoms in the short term and treat the underlying causes of insomnia. We take this approach to all conditions and patient relationships. Real solutions are about resolving the actual condition for long-term health and not merely putting a Band-Aid on the problem with the likes of sleeping pills that reclaim some rest in the near term. This approach also starts with a thorough, comprehensive assessment. Dr. Kachko takes a deep dive into your medical history. He may also order tests, such as a complete blood count and microbiome evaluation. This provides insight into the root causes of your sleep troubles. Imbalances with hormones like cortisol, unhealthy “sleep hygiene,” chronic mental and systemic illnesses and the drugs used to treat them can all interfere with quality, uninterrupted, and deep rest.
Depending on what Dr. Kachko finds during his assessments, he may integrate cognitive behavioral therapy and techniques to support healthy sleep habits into your unique treatment plan. Nutraceuticals and botanicals may be in your future if your body craves more specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Likewise, acupuncture is one of the most powerful tools at the New York Center for Integrative Health to relax our minds and bodies. Prescription medications are only recommended temporarily to break the vicious cycle of disordered sleep.
Chronic insomnia increases your risk of developing many severe conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. So, insomnia treatment supports a healthy “you.” If you are interested in more information about treatment options, request an appointment today! Call the New York Center for Integrative Health at (917) 477-3538 , or you can request an appointment through the button on this website.
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