Men’s and Women’s Hormonal Health
Optimizing Women’s Hormonal Health in New York
Hormones act as messengers for our bodies, whether we are men or women. They play various roles in our bodies at different periods of our lives, from the earliest stages of sexual development to the twilight years. Our hormonal systems’ proper functioning and balance are imperative for our bodies to function normally and at their optimum in the long term.
Check out the variety of solutions we offer at the New York Center for Integrative Health to optimize women’s hormonal health in New York.
Why is Hormonal Health Important?
Hormones are chemicals that are naturally produced in the body. They are circulated via the bloodstream, helping regulate the function of organs and tissues. When these hormones are properly balanced, they help you feel good and be healthy. However, an imbalanced hormonal system can negatively affect your mood, energy levels, sex drive, body weight, and many other aspects of your health and well-being.
Women’s bodies are home to a variety of different hormones, including reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone, and we would undergo a lot of health issues if there is too much or too little of any of these hormones in our system. The symptoms will vary depending on the type of hormone that is out of sync, but some of the most common signs of trouble are:
- Unexplained weight gain or loss due to hormonal changes
- General weakness and fatigue
- Hair loss or thinning hair
- Depression, irritability, anxiety, and moodiness
- Low sex drive
- Pain and stiffness in the muscles or joints
- Increased thirst and hunger
- Rounded, puffy face
- Increased frequency of urination
- Generally feeling unwell
Does Hormonal Imbalance Affect Men and Women Differently?
Some symptoms, like the above, affect both men and women. However, there are symptoms that are unique to each gender, and there are some symptoms that may occur at different stages of life.
Women experience significant hormonal changes through the menstrual cycle, during puberty, pregnancy, after childbirth, and at the onset of menopause. However, hormone-related problems can develop at any point in life. Common signs of female hormonal imbalance include night sweats, vaginal dryness, pain during sex, hair loss, acne, hair growth on the face or body, and menstrual irregularities.
Is Hormonal Imbalance Treatable?
Absolutely! The solutions may include nutritional guidance, nutraceuticals, botanical medicine, mind-body medicine, and acupuncture. We believe women’s health and wellness are vital issues, and our treatment plans take this fact into consideration. We will begin with a comprehensive evaluation of your overall health and a discussion about your symptoms, lifestyle, and unique needs. Then, we will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan. If you seek a balanced hormonal system to enhance your lifestyle, call the New York Center for Integrative Health today.
Improving Men’s Hormonal Health in New York
Hormones keep our bodies running. They are chemical messengers made by different glands in our bodies and are transported via the bloodstream so that other organs in our system can function properly. Hormones perform many essential functions that are vital for our growth, reproduction, and well-being, right from the initial stages of sexual development during puberty to the latter periods of life.
Here at the New York Center for Integrative Health, we understand the vital role hormones play in the bodies of both men and women. Check out the variety of solutions we offer to optimize men’s hormonal health in New York.
Why is Hormonal Health Important?
All men need androgens or male sex hormones to grow into sexually mature adults with the ability to reproduce. These hormone levels increase at puberty and may vary at different stages of life. When properly balanced, hormones help you feel good and stay healthy and active. However, when male hormone balancing is affected, it can negatively impact everything, from body weight and mood to stamina and sex drive.
What are the Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance?
There are many types of hormones, and too much or too little of any of them can cause problems. The symptoms will vary depending on the kind of imbalance, but some of the most common signs of hormonal trouble include:
- Unexplained weight gain or loss
- Muscle weakness
- Loss of or thinning hair
- Depression, irritability, anxiety, and moodiness
- Low sex drive
- Pain and stiffness in the muscles or joints
- Increased thirst and hunger
- Rounded, puffy face
- Increased frequency of urination
- Fatigue
- Generally feeling unwell
Does Hormonal Imbalance Affect Men and Women Differently?
Some symptoms, as mentioned above, are universal. However, imbalances related specifically to sex hormones vary in males and females.
Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone and is vital for normal reproductive and sexual functions. This hormone is responsible for the physical changes that occur at puberty and stimulates the testicles to produce sperm. Testosterone is also crucial for overall good health, helping bone growth and affecting mood and sex drive.
Low testosterone (low T) is the most common male hormonal condition. It affects mostly older men but can happen at any age. Signs of low T include decreased bone and muscle mass, slowing of body hair growth, infertility, erectile dysfunction, and concentration issues.
Is it Possible to Treat Low Testosterone?
Yes, and the solutions include nutritional guidance, nutraceuticals, botanical medicine, mind-body medicine, acupuncture, and other holistic therapies. The team at the New York Center for Integrative Health begins masculine hormone therapy with a comprehensive evaluation of your overall health and a discussion about your symptoms, lifestyle, and unique needs. We will then work with you to develop a customized treatment plan. Contact us today if you feel your hormonal health could do with a boost.
Dr. Robert Kachko, Founder and Director of the NY Center for Integrative Health, is a pioneer in Naturopathic and Integrative Medicine and has developed an extensive bio-psychosocial methodology for people living with chronic diseases. As Immediate Past President of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Dr. Kachko advocates for healthcare reform to allow everyone accesses to the kind of care our clinic provides.