Meet Ruthie Mosseri, RD

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Ruthie Mosser, RD - NY Center for Integrative Health

Ruthie Mosseri, RD is a registered dietitian who takes a holistic approach to healing through diet and lifestyle support. She believes in getting to the root of health issues by using food as medicine to support your body in healing.  

Ruthie is here to help you with the “how” of your care plan when it comes to food and nutrition. If you don’t know how to balance your meals or incorporate the recommendations your doctor has made into your diet, Ruthie can help you with that! She’ll get creative with you in coming up with meal ideas while accounting for food preferences and lifestyle factors. Compassionate and friendly, Ruthie always lends a listening ear.

Ruthie graduated from the Macaulay Honors College of Brooklyn College with a bachelor of science in health and nutrition sciences and studied functional nutrition at the Functional Nutrition Alliance.

In her free time, Ruthie loves painting, yoga, nature, and making mineral-rich dark chocolate bars!