Acupuncture has been used for centuries, starting as an East Asian medicine technique for improving and balancing levels of chi in the body. With the insertion of very thin needles at precise points along specific pathways or “meridians” of the body, practitioners can achieve improved energy flow while boosting your body’s natural painkilling responses. It […]
We are glad that you have found the NY Center for Integrative Health in your search for acupuncture therapy. After all, our licensed acupuncturist and naturopathic physician, Dr. Robert Kachko, is pleased to partner with individuals from throughout greater Fairfield County and the NYC metro area. We take a “big picture” approach to detecting and […]
In medicine and associated medical journals and publications, many times, the “new” and “innovative” is lauded as the “best,” “preferred,” or “sought-after” treatment; however, acupuncture bucks this notion. Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has a vaunted history. Its staying power and rising popularity in modern times is a testament to how well it works […]
At the New York Center for Integrative Health in New York City, Dr. Robert Kachko works with patients to help them find less invasive and more natural methods of treating common problems. Those who need help to relieve pain associated with chronic pain conditions can find out more about the advantages of certain treatments like […]
At New York Center for Integrative Health in New York City, patients have access to naturopathic and more holistic options for a variety of conditions and concerns. Individuals who struggle with anxiety may want to avoid using medications to manage it and may be seeking more natural alternatives. In situations such as this, Dr. Robert […]