Acupuncture has been used for centuries, starting as an East Asian medicine technique for improving and balancing levels of chi in the body. With the insertion of very thin needles at precise points along specific pathways or “meridians” of the body, practitioners can achieve improved energy flow while boosting your body’s natural painkilling responses. It can be used alleviate several health challenges, from menstrual cramps to nausea, headaches, and osteoarthritis. At the New York Center for Integrative Health, we offer acupuncture as one of many holistic services to our patients who need medical attention but want to avoid traditional pharmaceuticals or invasive procedures used by conventional doctors.
Manhattan, New York, area patients interested in acupuncture may have questions for their doctor at the New York Center for Integrative Health. Our providers are experienced in helping patients address health issues in the most effective and holistic ways. For many of our patients, acupuncture is completely safe, thanks to our trained, skilled, and competent team of professionals. When the treatment is performed, single-use, disposable needles are used to ensure safety and significantly reduce the risk of possible infection. On extremely rare occasion, patients might experience soreness, bleeding, or bruising in the areas where needles are used, but this is often mild and typically goes away on its own without any additional steps from the patient.
Before our professionals provide acupuncture, we consult with our patients to ensure they are a proper candidate for treatment. Those with bleeding disorders, pacemakers, or pregnancy (during some trimesters and in some treatment locations) are not considered good candidates and may want to discuss alternative therapies for their health concerns with our team. Acupuncture is an evidence-based tool for nausea of pregnancy in the first trimester, however.
Acupuncture is a great way to address a wide range of issues naturally and holistically. If you reside in or around Manhattan, NY, and want to speak to our professionals about the safety and risks of acupuncture, call (917) 477-3538 to request a visit. Our facility is located at 345 7th Avenue, Suite #1601, and is open to new patients. The New York Center for Integrative Health is excited to meet you!
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