Botanical Medicine

The Power of Botanical Medicine: Customized and Precisely Delivered to Address Your One-of-a-Kind Needs

A Google search of “nutritional supplements” returns 300 million-plus results! Given the sheer volume of nutritional products that make big claims, it can be puzzling and overwhelming to know what works and will make a real difference in your symptoms or conditions. Likewise, it is vital to understand the potential risks of various products, notably, how they interact with other products.

Fortunately, the New York Center for Integrative Health has eliminated the confusion of selecting and using nutraceuticals. Our practice in Manhattan serves Greenwich, Connecticut, area individuals with multi-faceted care built partly on a foundation of high-dose botanicals and nutrients.

Also known as herbal medicine, botanicals are matched to each individual’s unique needs based on our thorough, substantive, and comprehensive evaluations. Treatment plans involving specific and customized botanical products are applied precisely and targeted to ease or improve diagnosed conditions. In turn, we can achieve real symptom relief without relying on conventional pharmaceutical drugs or other traditional and invasive therapies.

Managed by our director and naturopathic physician, Dr. Robert Kachko, treatment regimens can be trusted. Not all herbs, ingredients, and supplements are the same and effective at resolving our patients’ concerns. Similarly, “natural” is often erroneously correlated with “safe.” However, there is a reason that doctors in general monitor nutritional supplements alongside over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

While marketed as “natural,” these products carry their own side effects and risks. Our clinicians have carefully vetted the clinical efficacy and safety of each product based on scientific and rigorous research literature. They also understand the potential interactions between herbs and other nutrients and drugs. So, you have peace of mind that your health is in exceptional hands and that our treatment protocols will make a real, positive difference in your overall health and quality of life.

We have applied botanical medicine to ease or resolve:

  • Stress-oriented conditions
  • Mental health-related conditions
  • Chronic pain
  • Hair quality
  • Skin health
  • Digestive symptoms
  • Metabolic function
  • And much more!
Call Our Office for More Information
Manhattan: (917) 477-3538 | Stamford : (866) 320-6402 | Established : (929) 379-0920
Request an Appointment

Unlock your body’s innate capacity to self-heal with naturopathic/botanical medicine. If you are interested in more information about these services, request an appointment today! Call the New York Center for Integrative Health at (917) 477-3538 , or visit the “request an appointment” button on this website.


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