You are what you eat. How many times have we heard that old chestnut? There is a reason this wisdom gets repeated time and time again. After all, we at the NY Center for Integrative Health
intimately understand the power of nutrition as medicine. Led by naturopathic physician Dr. Robert Kachko, our team supports the overall health and wellbeing of individuals from throughout Rye, Westchester County, and the greater New York City area by looking beyond the traditional “indicators” of health. We truly consider the whole person and determinants of health when conducting assessments and developing treatment plans. Nutraceutical supplement therapy is an investment in your future to, partly, fill in the “gaps” that can contribute or give rise to chronic ailments and conditions that could adversely affect your quality of life and wellbeing.
“Nutra” refers to the Latin word “nutrire,” which means to “nourish, suckle, and feed.” “Ceuticals” refers to a “healing item.” So, nutraceuticals quite literally means those products or food sources that provide nourishment as well as healing or therapeutic properties. These products can be selected and prescribed in a variety of different forms, ranging from supplements, vitamins, and minerals to herbs and botanical medicine.
The backbone of effective and safe treatment with nutraceuticals is a consultation. Dr. Kachko must work with you to pinpoint your needs and deficiencies. He does this with a range of diagnostic tools, not limited to functional medicine testing, lab testing, and genetic and microbiome analyses. With this information in hand, Dr. Kachko precisely applies high-dose nutraceuticals and botanicals in a safe and targeted manner to address or resolve the specific problem or condition at hand.
For instance, Americans are commonly deficient in Vitamin D, due to lack of exposure to the sun (and partly due to diets that are overly reliant on heavily processed and packaged foods). Vitamin D has many important functions, from supporting bone and muscle strength to guarding against some cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart problems. So, when we at the NY Center for Integrative Health prescribe a highly absorbable nutraceutical to maximize its benefits, we are doing your body a world of good. We can get those vitamin levels up to reduce the risk of a range of health conditions and to improve symptoms ranging from muscle cramps and weakness to fatigue and depression.
Notably, Dr. Kachko understands the potential reactions between herbs, nutraceuticals, botanical medicines, and other pharmaceutical drugs. So, you can trust that your health is in safe hands. If you are interested in learning more information about the power of nutraceuticals, request an appointment at NYCIH today! Call (917) 477-3538 or contact us via this website.
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