The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has widely reported that chronic sleeplessness (insomnia) affects around 30% of adults worldwide. Insomnia is a common concern among many individuals that the New York Center for Integrative Health treats in Manhattan. Fortunately, as a comprehensive, holistic medical care provider, we have many treatments to restore sleep quality. Consistent, uninterrupted sleep supports our whole “being,” our systemic and physical health, as well as our mental and emotional health.
No one sleeps well all of the time. It is normal to have difficulty falling asleep and staying that way periodically. When insomnia is short-term or “acute,” it may persist for days or weeks. This form of insomnia is typically brought on by a specific stressful or traumatic event or circumstance.
The condition is “chronic” when insomnia persists for at least one month. Long-term insomnia, too, can be rooted in distress and unpleasant life events, as well as poor “sleep hygiene,” which refers to irregular bedtime schedules or the use of stimulating devices and substances before going to bed (think: caffeinated beverages and the blue light emitted from smartphone screens and other technologies of daily life).
Additionally, a range of diseases can be to blame for chronic insomnia. These conditions include anxiety disorders, depression, and other mental health conditions; sleep-disordered breathing and other sleep problems (such as restless legs syndrome); and systemic illnesses and the medications used to treat them; for instance, hypertensive heart disease and the use of ACE inhibitors.
Unfortunately, insomnia can make existing mental health and medical conditions worse. It can also increase the risk of developing other chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease.
Fortunately, our center accounts for all of the potential sources of sleeplessness. Dr. Robert Kachko conducts a thorough intake, including blood work, to check for hormonal and nutritional imbalances and deficiencies. We consult and partner with our patients, getting a strong sense of how they’ve slept throughout their lives and their current circumstances. With extensive consultation, medical review, and testing, we can arrive at treatment approaches to resolve insomnia at the source(s).
Often, approaches such as sleeping pills merely address the symptoms and the ensuing fatigue associated with chronic insomnia. They do not treat the underlying condition or cause of those symptoms. So, medications are only meant to be a short-term tool, a way to break the vicious cycle of insomnia to get you on the right track with appropriate treatments that transcend symptom relief. These treatments may include:
If you are interested in more information about insomnia treatment options, request an appointment today! Call the New York Center for Integrative Health Manhattan office at (917) 477-3538 . Or, click on the “request an appointment” button
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